
Diploma work


My final Maters diploma work in Architecture was a research in the optimal hotel for central Stockholm context. Research include deep studies in 20 different exiting hotels and interviews.

Bath by the meter

Compact Spa concept

A spin of from the diploma work was a linear spa- and sauna concept to handle spatial and social conflicts . 

Addition Bjärred

Small entrance addition to release the full potential of the existing house and the life in it

Minimal addition with maximal function 

Summer House Lister

Summer house in a tricky location. Focus on materials, budget, view and enclosure

The placement on the site, created a summerhouse environment with a sea view, in the middle of regular residential area next to school parking lot  


Light and Furniture concepts

Design concept for the South Sweden Design Days 2021. Consisting for reuse of existing product and putting the in new combinations. A light from paper plates, or form transparent Beer kegs, seats and tables from standard scaffolding units.


Low key addition to fantastic location

Old house in traditional fishing village was in many ways kept instead of maximizing. The most important features (panoramic sea view) was emphasized with small means


Eurovision official exhibition

As a part of the Eurovision official exhibition the concept GasLighting was choosen. Fastgas cylinders upcycled


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